The 2025 Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction

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Please read guidelines before submitting: 


Bellingham Review's annual writing contests are open from February 1st to March 15th.


$1,000 first-place prizes will be awarded in poetry (49th Parallel Award), fiction (Tobias Wolff Award), and creative nonfiction (Annie Dillard Award).


Through Submittable, please submit 3 pieces of flash nonfiction of up to 1,500 words each OR an essay of up to 4,000 words. All entries will be considered for publication in the journal. 


$15 entry fee. 


Important notes: 

* The author’s name must not appear anywhere on the manuscript. Manuscripts including identifying information will be disqualified. 

* We only consider previously unpublished work.

* Simultaneous submissions are encouraged; please let us know if you work has been accepted elsewhere by withdrawing your submission. 


Our guest judge for 2024 is Lilly Dancyger

Lilly Dancyger is the author of First Love: Essays on Friendship, and Negative Space. Her work has been published by The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Playboy, Rolling Stone, among others, and she writes the Substack newsletter The Word Cave. Dancyger lives in New York City, and teaches creative nonfiction in the MFA programs at Columbia University and Randolph College. 


Thank you and we look forward to reading!

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.